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May 9, 2019

How I quit smoking with sobriety!

How I quit smoking with sobriety!

Welcome to Episode 8 of the “Sober is Dope” Podcast, with your host POP Buchanan. This episode is called “How I quit smoking with Sobriety.” I am 4 years Nicotine and Cigarette free today. I also changed my diet, and reduced sugar intake. This has helped me to eliminate my pre-diabetic diagnosis. In this episode POP Buchanan shares valuable information on how he beat his cigarette addiction, and saved $17000.00 from quitting. This is 3 segment episode. Please hang in there and thank you for joining the “Sober is Dope” community. 

Recover First https://www.recoveryfirst.org/nicotine-use-during-addiction-recovery/ 

Kwitter Stats I quit smoking with Kwit :) #kwit #kwitapp https://kwit.app 

Meditation Book- Bliss More by Light Watkins http://www.lightwatkins.com/bliss-more 

4 HR Body Book by Tim Ferris (Slow Carb Diet) http://fourhourbody.com/ 

Ketogenic Cookbook https://mariamindbodyhealth.com/quick-and-easy-ketogenic-cooking/ 

Smoke Cessation Tools https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips/quit-smoking/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=EST+4059+-+Tips+2016+Campaign+Search+-+English+-+Cessation+Terms%3BS%3BWL%3BBR%3BRES%3BHCP%3BCO&utm_content=Kits+-+Broad&utm_term=stop+smoking+kit&&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn8_mBRCLARIsAKxi0GLKNe1H2Tx9G08hOo9__J9FQSiqgVNrv-wV3teIJStYcjnsrSGUBB0aAoRdEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds #sobriety #stopsmoking #kwitter #keto #meditation #soberisdope

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