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Breaking The Mental Health, Addiction, and Homelessness Stigma | Dr. Victoria F. Burns, Ph.D., LSW

Topics Covered: Mental Health, Addiction, Unprocessed Emotions, EMDR, Homelessness, Recovery, Therapy, Chronic Illness, Healing

FULL PODCAST EPISODE: https://anchor.fm/soberisdope/episodes/Breaking-the-Stigma-with-Dr--Victoria-F--Burns--PHD--LSW-egompb

LINK: https://linktr.ee/Soberisdope
#MentalHealth #EmotionalIntelligence #BreakingTheStigma

Welcome to the Sober is Dope Podcast with your host, POP Buchanan. This episode features Dr. Victoria Burns, Ph.D., LSW. Victoria Burns, PhD is a registered social worker, writer, and university professor. She has a BA (psychology) (University of New Brunswick), BSW, MSW and PhD in social work (McGill University). Drawing on over a decade of social work practice, and her own lived experiences with chronic illnesses and addiction, her research focuses broadly on the areas of home/homelessness, stigma, addiction, and recovery.

Dr. Burns combines her research interests with her passion for storytelling and the arts, including documentary film, to raise awareness and combat stigma for marginalized populations. Beyond Housing Documentary https://youtu.be/js2XbsXyTZg Unbecoming Armadillo “Unbecoming an Armadillo: Recovering from Trauma with EMDR” by Victoria F. Burns, PhD https://link.medium.com/2n7XnCwZ77 Diabulimia- Eating Disorder https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/370/bmj.m1886.full.pdf University of Calgary http://contacts.ucalgary.ca/info/sw/profiles/1-7319433

Dr. Victoria Burns - Instagram https://instagram.com/betesandbites @betesandbites Dr. Burns’ research and scholarly activities have focused on place-making processes in supportive housing for older homeless adults. Her SSHRC funded post-doctoral research integrated visual methods (photography) to consider how three different supportive housing models promoted a sense of home and community for formerly homeless older adults in Montreal, Quebec. In collaboration with colleagues in Family Medicine, she is conducting a study focusing on the role of harm reduction in creating more inclusive permanent housing models for older adults with complex health and social needs in Alberta (funded by the O’Brien Institute for Public Health). Her most recent project (funded by SSHRC IDG) uses walking interviews and video technology to explore how various identity markers (gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability/disability) affect older adults’ sense of place once housed in Calgary, Alberta.

Dr. Burns is also currently collaborating on two FQRSC-funded studies focusing on homeless women in the province of Quebec. Education Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Social Work, McGill University & Université de Montréal, QC, Canada Master of Social Work (MSW), McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada Bachelor of Social Work (BSW), Bachelor of Social Work (BSW), McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada Bachelor of Arts (Hon.) University of New Brunswick, Saint John, Canada Professional and Community Associations Gerontological Society of America, Environmental Gerontology Committee 2015-present Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Environmental Justice Committee 2015-present University of Victoria Grounded Theory Club Member 2014-present McGill Qualitative Health Research Group (MQHRG) 2012-present CASWE, Social Policy and Advocacy Committee 2011-present Association Francophone pour le Savoir (ACFAS) 2009-present Canadian Association of Gerontology (CAG) 2009-present